Thank God It’s Today

How often do we say thank God it’s Friday, or I can’t wait until… I’ll let you fill in the blank. It’s like we hold our breath waiting for a better day to come and miss the day we have right before us. Don’t get me wrong; it’s great to look forward to the future and all the things that are ahead, just not at the expense of being unfulfilled and missing what is right under our noses.

If you find yourself not being engaged with the present, you may be preoccupied with the past, “the good old days” or living for the future “, the one day when.” Maya Angelou quoted, “I have great respect for the past. If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going. I have respect for the past, but I’m a person of the moment. I’m here, and I do my best to be completely centred at the place I’m at, then I go forward to the next place”.

What if something spectacular happens when we start being grateful for what we have and not what we don’t have. I wonder if it changes our outlook and attitude towards life, ourselves, and others. Life will never be perfect, and if we look for what we think we are lacking, we will find it.

Living in the moment and counting my blessings is something that I have been working on. It has changed the way I see life. My goal is to wake up each morning grateful for another day, the opportunity to work on my dreams and enjoy the beautiful people I get to do life with. I’m also thankful for the not so great times because they have taught me some valuable lessons that I wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

Today’s encourager is to take each day for what it brings and stop waiting for the significant events but instead be available for the moments. Choose to be engaged with where you are! Even if it’s not where you thought you would be at this point in time or is not the ideal situation. Change takes time, so why not wake up each morning and find five things for which you can be grateful! I would love to hear from you. Enjoy the ride, and until next time I wish you all the best. C

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