When Doors Close

Have you ever had doors in your life close? What to do when doors close? Sometimes you see it coming, and sometimes you don’t. In a flash, life, as you know, changes! At times, it can be heartbreaking and disappointing, and on the flip side, it can be new and exciting.

A door is an entrance or an exit into a new or familiar place, and doors are necessary if we are going to transition from one place to another. On numerous occasions in my own life, I have seen doors close to relationships and opportunities, and it indeed wasn’t easy, and it led to great disappointment and readjustment. There was a choice to be made at each of those moments and a lesson to learn. If these doors hadn’t closed, I might not be doing what I’m doing today and writing this blog! Doors close, and doors open.

Alexander Graham Bell Quoted, “When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” How true can this be? You can’t live in the present if you are still living in the past because we can’t be in two places at once. Sometimes something has to end for something new to occur, and the space between is often messy. Does it take time to transition? Yes! Is it easy? No!

Where do you find yourself? Has a door been closed, has a door been opened, or do you need to start knocking on some new doors? The transition is a tough process, even if you are heading somewhere great, but it is necessary to move forward. No matter where you find yourself, you need courage for all three situations, and you’ve got what it takes!

Wishing you a great week no matter where you find yourself. C

Recommended Resource: Life TransitionsÂ