The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It – How effort can make a difference in our lives and relationships

“The grass is greener where you water it” – Neil Barringham

A while ago, I got introduced to the concept of living mindfully. Being in the moment and making an effort, for example, making my coffee in a pretty mug or putting on a nice outfit even if I am just going to stay at home. Effort equals energy, and most often, it requires us to extend ourselves beyond what is easiest, but is the extra effort worth it? This episode is all about effort.

As the saying goes, the grass is greener where you water it, and watering takes effort. Effort can look different for each individual. For myself, making an effort starts when I get up in the morning and make my bed. It helps me transition into the next part of my morning. Do I make my bed every single day of the year? No, and when I don’t, it’s ok, but it’s my preference. I also like to spritz under my pillow with lavender before I go to bed, and I usually leave my favourite pyjama set for Sunday; it’s my way of getting ready for the week ahead.

Perhaps effort creates an atmosphere for self-confidence because we have set the time to focus on ourselves. Sometimes, we can be afraid of this because we may think it’s selfish. Almost anything we do can go either way if it’s done in excess. I am talking about finding that sweet spot where you and those you are in a relationship with can all receive the deserved attention.

Talking about relationships, making an effort can enhance our relationships. Why wait for special occasions to make an effort? There are opportunities for the taking like writing notes or texting sweet nothings, offering a compliment, making a meal to share and creating space for some quality time, and the list goes on.  Effort doesn’t need to break the bank; effort is being intentional and thoughtful.

Effort enhances life itself. It is our personal touch and is something that no one can do on our behalf. Effort is that unique gift that we give ourselves and others. It’s a deposit that shows we care. The purpose of this episode is to get you thinking about the effort that you already make and identifying areas in your life that could do with a little more?

While effort takes energy and a conscious decision imagine life without it. What would happen to our wellbeing, our relationships and how we turn up every day. Effort is a choice, and the grass is greener where you water it. So that’s it for this episode, don’t be a stranger. I enjoy hearing from you. Until next time take care!