
Someone’s foresight is their ability to see what is likely to happen in the future and to take the appropriate action.

This topic is interesting because how can we foresee something if we are not aware of it? It can seem obvious to foresee a situation once you’ve made your way to the other side (also known hindsight). What happens when it’s not obvious. After all, we can be clouded by our own experiences, perceptions and blind spots.

Have you ever caught yourself saying “if only I knew what I know now back then”? I certainly have! It can come to a sense of shame and an expectation that I must know all things or I should have known better. It can leave us with the unrealistic expectation that somehow, we should have been born with infinite wisdom, insight and foresight. Sounds ridiculous? Maybe! But how easy can it be to place these sorts of expectations on ourselves and not even know we are doing it?

So, where do we start? How about at the beginning? An important factor to consider is generational patterns. Is it fair to say that we are all born into a family with some level of disfunction (I am yet to meet a perfect person or family). We grow up in that dysfunction, and when that dysfunction goes unchecked, it can become a pattern in our own lives. This realisation can happen when we form relationships outside of the family unit or decide to look at what is working and what is not working in our lives. The process doesn’t stop at the discovery stage. These patterns need to be replaced with a new way of being to form a new pattern.

Could it be that there is a tendency to perceive past events as more predictable than they really are? Could it be that if we know better, we do better! How do we become better equipped to close any gaps or become aware of the blind spots in our lives? Here are some ways to develop foresight:

  • Make life your classroom. Take the position of a student, learn lessons from others who are ahead in the journey or have what you want (don’t discount your own experiences as valuable insight either)
  • Live life with an open heart and mind. Practise becoming more aware of who you are and how you feel about certain situations. Take time to make informed decisions by looking at your options and the consequences
  • Identify any gaps or potential blind spots. Journaling can help document and reveal patterns. You may decide that you would benefit from having a counsellor walk with you through this process as well
  • Commit to growing. Having a growth mindset means that you are willing to have a go, embrace the process and to learn from your experiences

All this to say is it’s easy to look at a situation differently in hindsight and then beat ourselves up for not knowing anything else. Can this be counterproductive? If we know better than we do better! What steps can you take towards closing the gaps and of course being kind to yourself in the process?

As we wrap up the last episode for the year, I cannot express my gratitude enough. I appreciate each one of you. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of coming alongside you, and I look forward to continuing with you in 2021. Keep safe and take care.